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[CSOUND-DEV:4539] csound API question

Date2004-05-03 01:19
From"iain duncan"
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:4539] csound API question
I'm wondering if the csound API makes it possible for a host app to
read/write directly to csound ftables or share memory with csound ftables.
If so, which part of the API should I look at for that.


Date2004-05-03 01:58
From"Matt J. Ingalls"
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:4540] Re: csound API question

not really, however
you can send an f statement to create/replace table with:


and you could then get some info on all tables upon initialization with
the graphing callbacks.

but it should be no sweat to add a ftfind() to the API. [with future
implementation of named function tables!!]

BY THE WAY, looking at csound5 i notice the FUNC **flist is still not in
the ENVIRON globals -- dont you think it should!?!??

[although at some point i could see some benefits to having real global
functions, etc that multiple csound processes can share]


On Sun, 2 May 2004, iain duncan wrote:

> I'm wondering if the csound API makes it possible for a host app to
> read/write directly to csound ftables or share memory with csound ftables.
> If so, which part of the API should I look at for that.
> Thanks,
> Iain