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[Cs-dev] Loris

Date2007-03-12 18:49
FromJim Credland
Subject[Cs-dev] Loris
Attachmentssmime.p7s  None  None  
The Loris configure script throws up these messages:

configure:    echo Define CSOUND_CONFIG or add something to CPPFLAGS  
to enable.
configure.ac:dnl Look for csound.
configure.ac:dnl If csound is available, then prepare to build the  
configure.ac:dnl works for Csound GBS versions 4.23f12gbs.10 or later.
configure.ac:       [Path to the Csound configuration script when  

Does anyone know what the mysterious csound configuration script  
actually is, or how to enable this thing?  It sounds like it might be  
important, but I can't find any reference to it in the build notes or  
other documentation.


Actually, the plot thickens.  There's a Opcodes/Loris folder as part  
of Csound5.05.0.

I've built loris-1.4 which seems to contain a superset of what's in  
the Opcodes/Loris folder.

Anyone know what's what here?  The Opcodes/Loris folder doesn't have  
a /src subfolder and the configure script complains.

I'm sure this makes sense to someone.  The Loris stuff looks quite  

thanks, J.