| I am pleased to announce new releases of my various extensions to
Csound, designed to support algorithmic composition.
The biggest change is that wherever possible, my extensions are now
released in regular Debian packages, which do not depend on my own
build of Csound, but rather only on the publicly available system
packages for Csound and other software. Therefore it should be
possible, after downloading the packages from my GitHub release page,
to install and uninstall these packages like any other Debian package,
sudo apt install ./package-version-linux.deb
This is my first stab at Debian packaging, so gentle feedback would be
appreciated. These packages target Ubuntu 18.04, bionic beaver, but
may work on other systems. Feedback on other issues is also welcome.
With the exception of csound-vst, all packages may also be installed
from binary archives, or built and installed from source code.
Please note, all C/C++ based code uses Csound system packages, while
all Android and WebAssembly code uses the current develop branch of
For a complete list of changes, see
https://github.com/gogins/csound-extended/commits/develop for the
commit log.
csound.node, my native add-on for running Csound in the JavaScript
context of NW.js.
CMask, my Csound opcodes (and WebAssembly module) for the CMask
granular synthesis and algorithmic composition program by Andre
CsoundAC, my C++ algorithmic composition library with interfaces in
C++, Python, Lua, and Java. Note: replaces the CsoundAC related
packages in Debian. CsoundAC has been extended with support for
running Common Lisp code in pieces defined by CsoundAC, using
Embeddable Common Lisp. CsoundAC has been refactored so that the csnd6
library interfaces for Lua and Python are not required. The methods of
CppSound have been exposed in the MusicModel class, e.g.
CppSound::CompileCsdText is exposed as
CsoundHtml5, my visual "front end" for Csound with HTML5 support.
nudruz, my Common Lisp package for the algorithmic composition library
developed by Drew Krause, which extends Common Music version 2 for
Common Lisp. My package includes Common Music 2, Fomus for
automatically notating generated scores (works sometimes), and support
for running Csound directly from Lisp using cffi, both in the Common
Music package and (as a drop-in replacement for the OM2Csound module)
in OpenMusic. Tested with Steel Bank Common Lisp and Embeddable Common
CsoundAudioNode.js, my own WebAssembly build of Csound, for running
Csound in the JavaScript context of any recent standard Web browser.
silencio, my algorithmic composition library for JavaScript, works
with any WebAssembly build of Csound.
My Csound opcodes for Fons Adriaenson's excellent software emulation
of pipe organs.
The Csound for Android app has been updated to Android API level 26
and is available for beta testing on the Play store; also available at
Please note that Android has tightened security restrictions on the
file system, so now only certain public directories can be used from
the CsoundForAndroid app.
Google now requires NDK builds to use clang, but LuaJIT cannot be
built for Android with clang, so the LuaJIT opcodes are no longer part
of the Csound for Android app.
Includes CsoundVST for running Csound as a native VST plugin on Linux,
and the vst4cs opcodes for running VST plugins in Csound.
Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
http://michaelgogins.tumblr.com |