| There is an unresolved bug in FLbutBank in all Windows versions of Csound
except for CsoundAV. I brought this up to the list several months ago, but
the current versions of flCsound/GBS, MyCsound4 and Csound5beta remain
The following line of code is valid for CsoundAV but not others:
gkrat, irat FLbutBank 1, 11, 1, 414, 25, 35, 129, -1
Other versions require the addition of a further input variable (such as 0)
at the end of the input list. Note that the problem is only with the version
of the opcode (indicated by the -1) that does not trigger a note event.
As I recall, correcting this error only requires changing the number of
obligatory input variables for this opcode (the list is apparently one
longer than it should be).
I'd appreciate this error being checked on Csound for other platforms as
well. It's getting hard to keep up with the various versions - keeping them
synced, especially with respect to small bugs like this.
These little items, however, do keep .csd's from working on some platforms
and versions - unless a certain amount of "defensive programming" is engaged
in (which I for one would rather avoid).
Art Hunkins
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