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[Cs-dev] Csound5 is FAST!!!!

Date2005-04-01 09:29
FromIain Duncan
Subject[Cs-dev] Csound5 is FAST!!!!
So for whatever reason, on my AMD 64, gentoo linux, csound5 now uses 
about 15% less cpu use in low latency real time that the Varga 
build, which was the fastest before. And based on my tests against PD 
last year with Varga, I think this pretty much means the 
hyperdrive is working and it's the fastest ship in the galaxy. = )

Well done everybody!!!

On a related note however, there are some strange situations where it 
seems to get significantly slower, I think it's when I slam a patch in 
with 128 concurrent calls to a table writing instrument that just writes 
one value to a table and then kills itself. When I have nailed down the 
exact cause and situation and conclusively charted the difference, I 
will post a more detailed report.


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