| Great. The exports while work too, but you may need to sign them. Not much we can do about that.
Hey Rory !
So far so good. Cabbage has no trouble with my local build, I've been running examples without issues. Thanks for the package !
Best regards,
dp ----------------------------------------- From: dlphillips@WOH.RR.COMTo: CSOUND-DEV@LISTSERV.HEANET.IECc: Sent: Friday March 25 2022 12:55:02PM Subject: Re: [Csnd-dev] [EXTERNAL] [Csnd-dev] confused about status of csound on M1 and building Csound6~ for M1
Thanks, Rory. No problems with the zipfile, Cabbage opens after
getting through the "Apple doesn't know the developer" song &
dance. I'll test after lessons today.
Best regards,
From: "Rory Walsh"
Sent: Friday March 25 2022 7:47:38AM
Subject: Re: [Csnd-dev] [EXTERNAL] [Csnd-dev] confused about status
of csound on M1 and building Csound6~ for M1 Here you go Dave. I can send you the
Csound.framework I use too, but I'm curious to see if it runs Ok
with the version you built there yourself.
Hey Rory,
Sorry for the late response. Yes, I'm interested in trying an
M1 build for Cabbage. I can skip exporting plugins for the moment,
though that's an eventual goal too. Thanks a lot !
Best regards,
From: "Rory Walsh"
Sent: Monday March 21 2022 8:52:22AM
Subject: Re: [Csnd-dev] [EXTERNAL] [Csnd-dev] confused about status
of csound on M1 and building Csound6~ for M1 Hi Dave. I can send you an M1 build if you like.
However, the situation is pretty dire when it comes to exporting
plugins as most hosts will simply ignore them unless they are
signed. So you have to go and sign each export. Ad-hoc signing
seems to do the trick, but some hosts are trickier than others.
I'll be at my mac again later, I can prepare a package for you. The
CI builds are still Intel based, but as soon as Azure DevOps
support an M1 image, I'll be building universal binaries
Hi Rory ! I'm getting back into Csound specifically to run
some Cabbage-related projects, and as you know, I've built
Csound for the M1 (native). I'm quite willing to build Cabbage
myself, but if there's an M1-native binary available already I'd
like to try it.
Best regards !
From: "Rory Walsh"
Sent: Sunday March 20 2022 4:24:08PM
Subject: Re: [Csnd-dev] [EXTERNAL] [Csnd-dev] confused about status
of csound on M1 and building Csound6~ for M1 I think the easiest thing is to provide your own
build for now for those that need it. That's what I do with
Is there an estimated timeline for having official
M1 releases? I'm not trying to be a whiner, I get (intimately!)
that having to compile for a new platform is a pain, I only just
recently got Scheme for Max going for M1. I'm just trying to
figure out what the best thing to say and offer for Csound6~ for
Max is with regard to M1. As in, do I tell people to compile from
source for M1, or provide a binary myself that will work for the
limited needs of csound~, etc.
It's not the most current release. I think it's a dev snapshot
of 6.16. But I've not had and issues with it. 👍
thanks Rory, I'll try that out until I can get
builds from source going ok.
Here is a Csound universal build if you are
It's quite minimal, but comes with Intel and M1 slices for
both the Csound libs, and libsndfile. It's pretty simple
to build. Once(if) Victor's new mac arrives we'll all be sorted
Ah ok, well I just got one recently (motivated by
the same issue for Scheme for Max), so if it would be helpful for
me to build them, I could do so. Though I might need some help! Is
there more to it than just building csound from source? Which I
guess will get on to next either way!
No, since I am the one who builds mac releases and I don't
have an m1 Mac, the releases are intel.
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Also, I guess I can release separate packages for M1
and Intel Mac, but in that case getting confirmation that must
build from source for M1 would be good.
Hi devs, I'm trying to build Csound6~ for Max for
M1, or rather, for a universal binary, but when I choose to build
for both targets, I get linker errors. Is there not yet a universal
binary for Intel and M1 Macs? Are people required to build from
source to run on M1 natively?
Any advice on how to do this would be much appreciated, I've
had several folks ask about M1 builds for running on Max on
M1. I got the CMake part sorted, but not the Csound linking.
I could build from source, though I'm not sure how I link to
both. So if anyone has built csound API projects for universals,
I'd love to hear the scoop.
In the meantime, I guess I'll release 0.2 for only intel