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[CSOUND-DEV:4820] Re: [Csnd] New Csound5 file release

Date2004-06-13 08:43
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:4820] Re: [Csnd] New Csound5 file release
With respect to FLsetVal_i, I have added a line to the
csound5/examples/fl.csd example in CVS to demonstrate that it works and how
to use it.

It's not only Windows advocates such as myself and Gabriel Maldonado who
have branched Csound -- there has also been Istvan Varga and Maurizio
Puxeddu on Linux, and Matt Ingalls on the Macintosh.

At any rate, I have no further desire to maintain a separate version of
Csound, and I would urge the others to also consider moving their special
features into Csound 5, as I have done.

This would not have been possible if MIT had not changed the Csound license
to LGPL. And I would add, if the license had always been LGPL, I would
probably never have developed a separate branch. The same may be true for
some of the others.

Finally -- the developers of opcodes such as ATS and Loris need to be told
and helped to write plugin versions of their opcodes, so that other people
can use them without rebuilding Csound and monkeying with makefiles.

Original Message:
From:  jpff@codemist.co.uk
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 08:09:54 +0100
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk, abhunkin@uncg.edu, david.ogborn@utoronto.ca,
Subject: Re: [Csnd] New Csound5 file release

You seem to be ignoring the simple fact that my development platform
is Linux, and so-called canonical csound has been a Linux-driven
application for about 10 years.  My concern has been to ensure that
Windows and Mac (and all the others) are compatible.  *If* there is any
major splitting, it is the Windows advocates who have done it.  You
have been one of the people who have noted the lack of operations on
Linux for which the sources were never provided.

Anyway, stopping ranting, time to eat breakfast and fix the deferred
fgens problem

==John ffitch
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Date2004-06-13 21:11
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:4821] soundin and diskin problem
I'm writing to report a problem I found using both soundin and diskin.
I tried the following:

-o test.wav -W -B4092

	sr     = 44100
	kr     = 4410
	ksmps  = 10
	nchnls = 2

instr 3
ain1,ain2  diskin "G:/Audio Loops/smart Loops/Dry_Studio_Kit_(demo_loops)/disco 
outs ain1,ain1

i3 0 10

It produces only a short portion (less than 1 second of the original audio) or 
choppy audio in other cases. I've tried adding different values for the 
[format] parameter, but none is recognized.
I've also tried different buffer sizes with the same result. The same csd works 
fine in Csound.


pd. The VST opcode is going well (surprisingly), and I think it's working, but 
I can't be sure since realtime in is not working, and I want to test with 
samples from my disk.