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[CSOUND-DEV:5739] PortAudio on Linux

Date2005-01-16 22:07
From"Michael Gogins"
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:5739] PortAudio on Linux
I have put fixes into CVS to get Csound 5 compiling again with PortAudio. I 
would appreciate it if people with better Linux audio systems than I would 
test real-time audio with the new code.

I have removed the PortAudio blocking code from Linux. Linux now uses the 
same PortAudio callback based code as the other platforms (pa_blocking.c). 

Date2005-01-17 06:15
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:5695] Re: [Csnd] PortAudio on Linux
I really dislike the callback model; it caused real problems earlier
with Mac, and it adds another layer of copying as far as I can see.
==John ffitch