| Thanks for your work, I'll try this ASAP.
Original Message:
From: steven yi stevenyi@csounds.com
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2005 22:24:55 -0800
To: csound-dev@eartha.mills.edu
Subject: [CSOUND-DEV:5657] Docbook-XML Csound Manual
Hi All,
I've converted the Docbook Manual from SGML to XML and modified the
Makefile. As it's a bit of a change, I thought I'd see if others can
compile it first as well as get some feedback on it before replacing the
SGML manual. I've put up a zip at:
With this zip, you'll need xsltproc installed compile to HTML and FOP
installed to produce a PDF.
For Windows, xsltproc can be found in Cygwin, or standalone Windows
binaries at http://www.zlatkovic.com/libxml.en.html (I believe you'll
need the libxslt and libxml zip's from there). For Linux, most distro's
have xsltproc installed.
For FOP, it is available at: http://xml.apache.org/fop . To get the
graphics to work, you'll need to also install the Java Advanced Imaging
API. Information about JAI is available at
http://xml.apache.org/fop/graphics.html#jai . (BTW: FOP is written in
Java so requires a Java Virtual Machine installed; also, if you run FOP,
I recommend editing the fop.sh file and add "-Xmx384m" to the last line,
so it reads as such:
org.apache.fop.apps.Fop "$@"
This increases the max ram the VM can use to 384megs, which you'll need
for FOP to run as the manual is fairly large)
I've tested this on Cygwin using Cygwin's xsltproc, MinGW using the
natively compiled xsltrpoc, as well as Linux. The makefile in the zip
is set to compile with "make html" and "make pdf", with the default set
to just HTML.
Currently, the version in CVS still uses SGML but should be encapsulated
with respects to the stylesheets; this runs on Linux fine for me and
produces output identical to the ACRM. On the other hand, I've gotten
the XML versions to run on multiple platforms, but the stylesheets are
not tweaked to be like the ACRM.
If anyone could give this a try and let me know any feedback on how it
works for you (or doesn't), I'd appreciate it.
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