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[Cs-dev] CMakeLists.txt: PORTMIDI_HEADER not included, wont be found in includepath

Date2013-05-02 08:49
FromTim Neumann
Subject[Cs-dev] CMakeLists.txt: PORTMIDI_HEADER not included, wont be found in includepath
AttachmentsNone  None  
I just ran into this:

Scanning dependencies of target pmidi
[ 64%] Building C object InOut/CMakeFiles/pmidi.dir/pmidi.c.obj
h:/Builder/Csound6.00rc1.1/InOut/pmidi.c:31:22: fatal error: portmidi.h: No such
 file or directory
compilation terminated.

PORTMIDI_HEADER is set correctly in cmake-gui but the actual path/file seems to be ignored. Is there any existing way to include that path with this build target without moving the whole portmidi headers to my /include folder? (portmidi does not provide a make install target)