| I got the sources of canonical 4.23 f11, I wanted to build a
console-only binary under Windows using gcc 3.2 of MinGW.
I wanted a simple-plain text-only binary, no rtaudio, no realtime midi,
no tcl-tk, no fltk (the simplest possible build).
After modifying the makefile (and some source file) a bit, in order to
resolve several compilation errors, i still get the following unresolved
gcc -Wall -O2 -malign-loops=4 -malign-jumps=4 -ffast-math
-fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -funroll-loops -DWITHx
87 -DSFIRCAM -DPIPES -DMACROS -DIV_SCHED -o csound main.o argdecode.o
musmon.o otran.o oload.o rdorch.o express.o rdsc
or.o linevent.o cscore.o cscorfns.o insert.o entry1.o entry2.o aops.o
midiops.o midirecv.o fgens.o ugens1.o ugens2.o uge
ns3.o ugens4.o ugens5.o ugens6.o ugens7.o ugens8.o ugens9.o spectra.o
disprep.o window.o winascii.o hetro.o lpanal.o lp
trkfns.o pvanal.o pvoc.o fft.o dsputil.o sndinfo.o sfheader.o soundin.o
soundio.o ulaw.o aiff.o wave.o ieee80.o filopen.
o memalloc.o memfiles.o auxfd.o windin.o dumpf.o scot.o scsort.o
scxtract.o sread.o sort.o extract.o twarp.o swrite.o b
utter.o grain.o vdelay.o cmath.o follow.o cvanal.o grain4.o pvinterp.o
pvread.o sndwarp.o vpvoc.o hrtferX.o winEPS.o nlf
ilt.o opcode.o ugrw1.o ugrw2.o ugensa.o cross2.o dam.o midiout.o
midiops2.o midisend.o wavegde.o filter.o complex.o repl
uck.o pluck.o physutil.o physmod.o modal4.o shaker.o fm4op.o diskin.o
pvadd.o moog1.o singwave.o mandolin.o space.o locs
ig.o dcblockr.o pvocext.o flanger.o aifc.o lowpassr.o uggab.o biquad.o
one_file.o schedule.o midiops3.o pitch.o getstrin
g.o ugsc.o fout.o sndinfUG.o pvlook.o scansyn.o sfont.o vbap.o
vbap_four.o vbap_eight.o vbap_sixteen.o vbap_zak.o contro
l.o bowedbar.o phisem.o sdif.o sdif-mem.o babo.o ugmoss.o bbcut.o
spat3d.o pvxanal.o mxfft.o pvsanal.o pstream.o pvfile
io.o oscbnk.o scansynx.o oscils.o wave-terrain.o dnoise.o dnfft.o
mididevice.o clfilt.o midiinterop.o dl_opcodes.o jpff_
glue.o namedins.o
main.o(.text+0x11e5):main.c: undefined reference to `rtclose'
midisend.o(.text+0x21):midisend.c: undefined reference to
midisend.o(.text+0x57):midisend.c: undefined reference to
midisend.o(.text+0x85):midisend.c: undefined reference to
midisend.o(.text+0xb7):midisend.c: undefined reference to
midisend.o(.text+0xde):midisend.c: undefined reference to
midisend.o(.text+0x10e):midisend.c: more undefined references to
`midiOutShortMsg@8' follow
midisend.o(.text+0x2b5):midisend.c: undefined reference to
midisend.o(.text+0x33a):midisend.c: undefined reference to
midisend.o(.text+0x368):midisend.c: undefined reference to `midiOutOpen@20'
getstring.o(.text+0x161):getstring.c: undefined reference to `getDB'
mididevice.o(.text+0x88):mididevice.c: undefined reference to
mididevice.o(.text+0xb6):mididevice.c: undefined reference to
mididevice.o(.text+0x10c):mididevice.c: undefined reference to
mididevice.o(.text+0x12d):mididevice.c: undefined reference to
mididevice.o(.text+0x148):mididevice.c: undefined reference to
mididevice.o(.text+0x163):mididevice.c: undefined reference to
mididevice.o(.text+0x181):mididevice.c: more undefined references to
`midiInGetDevCapsA@12' follow
mididevice.o(.text+0x222):mididevice.c: undefined reference to
mididevice.o(.text+0x237):mididevice.c: undefined reference to
mididevice.o(.text+0x44a):mididevice.c: undefined reference to
mididevice.o(.text+0x45f):mididevice.c: undefined reference to
mididevice.o(.text+0x48a):mididevice.c: undefined reference to
make: *** [csound] Error 1
I include a diff with the modifications i've done to the makefile.
Gabriel Maldonado