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[CSOUND-DEV:5526] We have reverted

Date2004-12-13 06:53
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:5526] We have reverted
I build with 
scons buildCsoundVST=0 generateTags=1 useJack=0 generateZip=0 usePortMIDI=1

but it still generates a ZIP file.  Looks like the dreaded "1 is not
true" state has reappeared

< if not (commonEnvironment['generateZip']):    
> if not (commonEnvironment['generateZip']==1):    

Can we have a more secure way of testing these things?

==John ffitch

Date2004-12-13 08:03
FromAnthony Kozar
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:5527] Re: We have reverted
How about a function that tests if its argument is a string, if so converts
it to an integer, and then returns a boolean truth value?  Maybe so we can
write something like:

if not (test(commonEnvironment['generateZip']))

or just

if not (testEnv('generateZip'))


On 12/13/04 1:53 AM, jpff@codemist.co.uk  etched in

> I build with 
> scons buildCsoundVST=0 generateTags=1 useJack=0 generateZip=0 usePortMIDI=1
> but it still generates a ZIP file.  Looks like the dreaded "1 is not
> true" state has reappeared
> 1017c1020
> < if not (commonEnvironment['generateZip']):
> ---
>> if not (commonEnvironment['generateZip']==1):
> Can we have a more secure way of testing these things?
> ==John ffitch

Date2004-12-13 12:28
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:5528] Re: We have reverted
Just what I want, but I do not know any Python to write that.

==John ffitch
>>>>> "Anthony" == Anthony Kozar  writes:

 Anthony> How about a function that tests if its argument is a string, if so converts
 Anthony> it to an integer, and then returns a boolean truth value?  Maybe so we can
 Anthony> write something like:

 Anthony> if not (test(commonEnvironment['generateZip']))

 Anthony> or just

 Anthony> if not (testEnv('generateZip'))