This is a beta release. Known issues:
(1) CsoundQt always produces a crash on exit. I am aware of the
cause and am working on a solution.
(2) There may be other crashes when re-running a piece or when
switching to another piece with <CsHtml5>.
However, the <CsHtml5> features do work. There are two
examples in the Csound examples/html directory, one to show off WebGL
driving Csound, and the other to show off styled HTML widgets as well as
score generation and graphics generation from a JavaScript Lindenmayer
system. The user must set each widget, click on the store button, and
click on the restore button before this piece will produce sound.
The JavaScript libraries required by these CSDs also are included
in the installer.
Please get back to me with any problems, bugs, questions, or
suggestions. I will probably fix the crash on exit in the next few days,
and replace the download.
Irreducible Productions
http://michaelgogins.tumblr.comMichael dot Gogins
at gmail dot com