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[CSOUND-DEV:4773] Named Instruments - size limit to names?

Date2004-05-29 20:54
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:4773] Named Instruments - size limit to names?
Hi all,

Is there a size limit for length of names for named instruments?  Or
perhaps a size limit in the orc parser when parsing notes with long
instrument names?  I came across and issue when programatically
generating names: the named instrument in this case was named
CeciliaModule_magic_instr_0 and notes were written in the form of
"iCeciliaModule_magic_instr_0 0 30".  Changing the generation to use
integers id's instead of string id's seemed to fix the problem.  I did
receive error messages but they didn't seem to make sense to me.

Thanks for any info,