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Date2008-01-29 02:38
From"Art Hunkins"
I've been exploring the  tag in WinXP, and it does not seem to 
behave correctly. Could a developer please check it out?

This is what I've found:

I'm running Csound 5.06.

The CsVersion code I tested is:

After x.x

Csd's  run fine with the following values for x.x:
4.99, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08, 5.09, 5.6, 5.60, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9

The following values stop Csound with a "Decode failed...stopping" message:
5.70, 5.80, 5.85, 5.89, 5.90, 5.99

(Please note as well that a Windows version 5.04.2 exists. Does CsVersion 
handle this second decimal correctly?)

I hope this behavior can be corrected so that  becomes 
operational. (Of course, it's always possible I've gone wrong somewhere.)

I'd also recommend that the somewhat cryptic "decode failed" message be 
changed to:
"A version of Csound > x.x is required"
or alternately:
"A version of Csound < x.x is required".

Art Hunkins 

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Date2008-01-29 04:20
FromAnthony Kozar
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev]
Art Hunkins wrote on 1/28/08 9:38 PM:

> I've been exploring the  tag in WinXP, and it does not seem to
> behave correctly. Could a developer please check it out?

Yes.  It was broken but I have fixed it now.  (Of course, versions of Csound
from 5.00 to 5.07 will fail to check this tag correctly, potentially making
it less useful).

There were two problems.  The first was an internal calculation of the
version number.  The second was that "Before x.y" and "After x.y" were both
OK with version x.y where the manual says that they should reject it.  I
have made the check match what the manual says the behavior should be.
> This is what I've found:
> I'm running Csound 5.06.
> The CsVersion code I tested is:
> After x.x
> Csd's  run fine with the following values for x.x:
> 4.99, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08, 5.09, 5.6, 5.60, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9
> The following values stop Csound with a "Decode failed...stopping" message:
> 5.70, 5.80, 5.85, 5.89, 5.90, 5.99

Note that 5.80 and 5.8 are not the same.  5.8 is interpreted the same as
5.08.  The minor version number of Csound is always supposed to be two
digits long.

> (Please note as well that a Windows version 5.04.2 exists. Does CsVersion
> handle this second decimal correctly?)

No.  I am not sure how to modify the check for this in a way that will keep
it compatible with the currently documented behavior.  (Not that it could
not be done ... but I don't want to potentially break it again :)

> I'd also recommend that the somewhat cryptic "decode failed" message be
> changed to:
> "A version of Csound > x.x is required"
> or alternately:
> "A version of Csound < x.x is required".

I have improved the error reporting for this and I will commit all of my
changes after making some more needed improvements to messages about CSD
"decoding" errors.

Anthony Kozar
mailing-lists-1001 AT anthonykozar DOT net

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