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[Csnd-dev] Android 4.4.4 and Android 5+

Date2015-11-07 02:16
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[Csnd-dev] Android 4.4.4 and Android 5+
I am now able to build Csound for Android and all its dependendencies
using the current Android Studio and Android SDK. Csound for Android
runs on Android 5 (my tablet) but starts to run then crashes on
Android 4.4.4 (my phone). The error messages are like this:

11-06 20:49:49.560 14372-14372/? E/dalvikvm:
failed: dlopen failed: could not load library "libsndfile.so" needed
by "libcsoundandroid.so"; caused by cannot locate symbol "srand"
referenced by "libsndfile.so"...

I googled a bit and it seems that srand used to be inline and now is
static, along with a bunch of other stuff that may bite us.

Options are building with older NDK headers, or we could also just
forget about Android before version 5 ("L"). That would be my
preferred solution, but I suppose people are still using 4. Writing
stubs for these functions is not likely to work because they are
needed by libsndfile etc. which are needed by Csound itself.

Any other ideas?


Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions