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[Cs-dev] Help for Cecilia

Date2007-02-21 18:42
Subject[Cs-dev] Help for Cecilia
Y am not sure this is the proper place for my answer, but Y hope you 
could help me; Y am trying to install Cecilia on Linux Ubuntu (a subset 
of Debian); the installation take place in /user/local/bin directory, 
but every time Y try to start it hinting on the terminal it 
freezes itself on splashimage of cecilia with the subscription in the 
image:  and in the terminal: 
could you help me?
 thanks niky

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Csound-devel mailing list

Date2007-02-22 00:21
FromJean Piché
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] Help for Cecilia

On 21-Feb-07, at 1:42 PM, nikydvt@tin.it wrote:

> Y am not sure this is the proper place for my answer, but Y hope you
> could help me; Y am trying to install Cecilia on Linux Ubuntu (a  
> subset
> of Debian); the installation take place in /user/local/bin directory,
> but every time Y try to start it hinting on the terminal it
> freezes itself on splashimage of cecilia with the subscription in the
> image:  and in the terminal:  /usr/bin/wish
> Cecilia Tcl Launcher: /usr/local/bin/cecilia-tcl
> Cecilia
> installation located in /usr/local/lib/cecilia (automatic)
> Loading the
> sources on Linux!
> note: creating new prefs
> info: /usr/bin/csound found;
> verifying version>
> could you help me?
>  thanks niky
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ---
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Csound-devel mailing list

Date2007-02-22 00:22
FromJean Piché
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] Help for Cecilia
Cecilia on Linux is not currently supported. It WILL be supported for  
Ceclia 3.0 in the  near future whenever I get a bit of time.


On 21-Feb-07, at 1:42 PM, nikydvt@tin.it wrote:

> Y am not sure this is the proper place for my answer, but Y hope you
> could help me; Y am trying to install Cecilia on Linux Ubuntu (a  
> subset
> of Debian); the installation take place in /user/local/bin directory,
> but every time Y try to start it hinting on the terminal it
> freezes itself on splashimage of cecilia with the subscription in the
> image:  and in the terminal:  /usr/bin/wish
> Cecilia Tcl Launcher: /usr/local/bin/cecilia-tcl
> Cecilia
> installation located in /usr/local/lib/cecilia (automatic)
> Loading the
> sources on Linux!
> note: creating new prefs
> info: /usr/bin/csound found;
> verifying version>
> could you help me?
>  thanks niky
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ---
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> Join SourceForge.net's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to  
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> page=join.php&p=sourceforge&CID=DEVDEV
> _______________________________________________
> Csound-devel mailing list
> Csound-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/csound-devel

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Csound-devel mailing list

Date2007-02-22 00:51
FromJean Piché
Subject[Cs-dev] An unusual challenge (OLPC)
Attachmentsunivorc.csd.rtf  None  None  
Hi folks,

I thought this could be fun and possibly very useful to a LOT of  
young people.

In the ongoing quest of squeezing the ultimate cpu cycle out of the  
hardworking Geode chip, I am challenging all you csounders to take a  
look at the universal orchestra going into the XO and come up with  
ways of making it faster.

The rules:

1- Fundamental changes to the structure are not permissible ie:  
although it may seem obscure, everything is there for a reason.
2- Krate and arate are choice for optimization, needless to say.
3- Headers are out of bounds.
4- Any accepted improvement gets its author's name in the credits.

Take a deep breath, its a big one:

For those who dont know about the project:


Best to all and looking forward to your contributions!


Date2007-02-22 01:46
FromJean Piché
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] An unusual challenge (OLPC) -- Text version
Attachmentsuniveorc.csd.txt  None  None  
