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[CSOUND-DEV:3135] MacOS X installer maker

Date2003-10-14 17:20
FromHans-Christoph Steiner
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3135] MacOS X installer maker
Attachmentscsound.info  Makefile.macosx  mkdmg  
I have written up a section for the Makefile which creates a MacOS X  
installer for csound just by typing 'make darwin_pkg'.  You can make a  
distributable .dmg file by typing 'make dmg' afterwards.  There are  
three files involved: csound.info (the .pkg info), mkdmg (script to  
make the .dmg), and Makefile.macosx.  These three files are all  
For Makefile.macosx, all of the pkg building stuff is appended to the  
end of the file.  I would love to see these files added to the CVS.

But also, I am a maintainer for Cecilia, so I would love to be able to  
compile csound on MacOS X.  The attached Makefile.macosx contains my  
changes which gets csound to build.  Here is an outline of the changes  
I did to get csound to compile on MacOS X:

- removed all references to "/usr/include/va-ppc.h" (not used in gcc3)
- changed "/usr/local/include/X11R6" to the standard X11 location:  
- added  "-I/usr/X11R6/include" to CFLAGS
- added  "-L/usr/X11R6/lib" and "-framework CoreAudio" to LIBS

But I still get the linker error about _main.  I haven't been able to  
find the right main() in the code, maybe someone can point me in the  
right direction?

cc -O2 -I/usr/include/sys -I/usr/X11R6/include  -DSFIRCAM -DSYS5  
argdecode.o musmon.o otran.o oload.o rdorch.o express.o rdscor.o  
linevent.o cscore.o cscorfns.o insert.o entry1.o entry2.o aops.o  
midiops.o midirecv.o fgens.o ugens1.o ugens2.o ugens3.o ugens4.o  
ugens5.o ugens6.o ugens7.o ugens8.o ugens9.o spectra.o disprep.o  
window.o winascii.o winX11.o hetro.o lpanal.o lptrkfns.o pvanal.o  
pvoc.o fft.o dsputil.o sndinfo.o sfheader.o soundin.o soundio.o ulaw.o  
aiff.o wave.o ieee80.o filopen.o memalloc.o memfiles.o auxfd.o windin.o  
dumpf.o rtcoreaudio.o scot.o scsort.o scxtract.o sread.o sort.o  
extract.o twarp.o swrite.o butter.o grain.o vdelay.o cmath.o follow.o  
cvanal.o grain4.o pvinterp.o pvread.o sndwarp.o vpvoc.o hrtferX.o  
winEPS.o nlfilt.o opcode.o ugrw1.o ugrw2.o ugensa.o cross2.o dam.o  
midiout.o midiops2.o midisend.o wavegde.o filter.o complex.o repluck.o  
pluck.o physutil.o physmod.o modal4.o shaker.o fm4op.o diskin.o pvadd.o  
moog1.o singwave.o mandolin.o space.o locsig.o dcblockr.o pvocext.o  
flanger.o aifc.o lowpassr.o uggab.o biquad.o one_file.o schedule.o  
midiops3.o pitch.o getstring.o ugsc.o fout.o sndinfUG.o pvlook.o  
scansyn.o sfont.o vbap.o vbap_four.o vbap_eight.o vbap_sixteen.o  
vbap_zak.o control.o bowedbar.o phisem.o sdif.o  sdif-mem.o babo.o  
ugmoss.o bbcut.o spat3d.o pvxanal.o mxfft.o pvsanal.o pstream.o  
pvfileio.o oscbnk.o scansynx.o oscils.o wave-terrain.o dnoise.o dnfft.o  
mididevice.o clfilt.o midiinterop.o dl_opcodes.o jpff_glue.o namedins.o  
-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib/ -lX11 -framework CoreAudio
ld: Undefined symbols:
make: *** [csound] Error 1


                     There is no way to peace, peace is the way.
										-A.J. Muste

Date2003-10-14 23:16
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3137] Re: MacOS X installer maker
Hi Hans,

Neat!  Thanks so much for contributing these.  Next time I have Mac
access I'm looking forward to trying these out.

As for the _main problem, I ran into that too a long while back when I
tried to compile Istvan's Csound on OSX.  (That was the last time I had
tried to compile on OSX that I can remember).  Unfortunately don't
remember what had to change there (couldn't find it in csound-dev
archives either).  I'll look for old source trees on the Mac next time
I'm on; maybe will be able to find an answer if no one else has by then.


On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 12:20, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> I have written up a section for the Makefile which creates a MacOS X  
> installer for csound just by typing 'make darwin_pkg'.  You can make a  
> distributable .dmg file by typing 'make dmg' afterwards.  There are  
> three files involved: csound.info (the .pkg info), mkdmg (script to  
> make the .dmg), and Makefile.macosx.  These three files are all  
> attached.
> For Makefile.macosx, all of the pkg building stuff is appended to the  
> end of the file.  I would love to see these files added to the CVS.
> But also, I am a maintainer for Cecilia, so I would love to be able to  
> compile csound on MacOS X.  The attached Makefile.macosx contains my  
> changes which gets csound to build.  Here is an outline of the changes  
> I did to get csound to compile on MacOS X:
> - removed all references to "/usr/include/va-ppc.h" (not used in gcc3)
> - changed "/usr/local/include/X11R6" to the standard X11 location:  
> "/usr/X11R6/include"
> - added  "-I/usr/X11R6/include" to CFLAGS
> - added  "-L/usr/X11R6/lib" and "-framework CoreAudio" to LIBS
> But I still get the linker error about _main.  I haven't been able to  
> find the right main() in the code, maybe someone can point me in the  
> right direction?
> cc -O2 -I/usr/include/sys -I/usr/X11R6/include  -DSFIRCAM -DSYS5  
> argdecode.o musmon.o otran.o oload.o rdorch.o express.o rdscor.o  
> linevent.o cscore.o cscorfns.o insert.o entry1.o entry2.o aops.o  
> midiops.o midirecv.o fgens.o ugens1.o ugens2.o ugens3.o ugens4.o  
> ugens5.o ugens6.o ugens7.o ugens8.o ugens9.o spectra.o disprep.o  
> window.o winascii.o winX11.o hetro.o lpanal.o lptrkfns.o pvanal.o  
> pvoc.o fft.o dsputil.o sndinfo.o sfheader.o soundin.o soundio.o ulaw.o  
> aiff.o wave.o ieee80.o filopen.o memalloc.o memfiles.o auxfd.o windin.o  
> dumpf.o rtcoreaudio.o scot.o scsort.o scxtract.o sread.o sort.o  
> extract.o twarp.o swrite.o butter.o grain.o vdelay.o cmath.o follow.o  
> cvanal.o grain4.o pvinterp.o pvread.o sndwarp.o vpvoc.o hrtferX.o  
> winEPS.o nlfilt.o opcode.o ugrw1.o ugrw2.o ugensa.o cross2.o dam.o  
> midiout.o midiops2.o midisend.o wavegde.o filter.o complex.o repluck.o  
> pluck.o physutil.o physmod.o modal4.o shaker.o fm4op.o diskin.o pvadd.o  
> moog1.o singwave.o mandolin.o space.o locsig.o dcblockr.o pvocext.o  
> flanger.o aifc.o lowpassr.o uggab.o biquad.o one_file.o schedule.o  
> midiops3.o pitch.o getstring.o ugsc.o fout.o sndinfUG.o pvlook.o  
> scansyn.o sfont.o vbap.o vbap_four.o vbap_eight.o vbap_sixteen.o  
> vbap_zak.o control.o bowedbar.o phisem.o sdif.o  sdif-mem.o babo.o  
> ugmoss.o bbcut.o spat3d.o pvxanal.o mxfft.o pvsanal.o pstream.o  
> pvfileio.o oscbnk.o scansynx.o oscils.o wave-terrain.o dnoise.o dnfft.o  
> mididevice.o clfilt.o midiinterop.o dl_opcodes.o jpff_glue.o namedins.o  
> -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib/ -lX11 -framework CoreAudio
> ld: Undefined symbols:
> _main
> make: *** [csound] Error 1
> ________________________________________________________________________ 
> ____
>                      There is no way to peace, peace is the way.
> 										-A.J. Muste

Date2003-10-15 05:10
FromAnthony Kozar
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3138] Re: MacOS X installer maker

Thanks very much for developing an automated mechanism to create the package
and disk image for Csound!  I have been thinking for a few months of trying
to create a friendlier download for Csound on OS X but I didn't realize that
the process could be automated.  Great work!

On the subject of main(), I got this error as well as the CoreAudio linking
errors when I tried to compile as well.  I have a very similar setup to you
on the machine I tried it on.  I appreciate the info on how to resolve the
CoreAudio linking problems and I will try to spend a little time soon seeing
if I can return the favor by solving the unresolved main reference.

I'll post if I have any success.

Anthony Kozar

PS.  I do have some info on how to compile Cscore on OS 9 and OS X if anyone
is interested.  It took some work to resolve several problems but it
eventually compiled and linked.  Unfortunately, there are some runtime
problems (bus errors, seg faults, etc).

On 10/14/03 12:20 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner etched in stone:

> I have written up a section for the Makefile which creates a MacOS X
> installer for csound just by typing 'make darwin_pkg'.  You can make a
> distributable .dmg file by typing 'make dmg' afterwards.  There are

> But I still get the linker error about _main.  I haven't been able to
> find the right main() in the code, maybe someone can point me in the
> right direction?