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Re: [Cs-dev] [OT] How to produce IIR filter coefficients from a set ofpoints describing the frequency response

Date2009-05-17 02:51
FromJim Bates
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] [OT] How to produce IIR filter coefficients from a set ofpoints describing the frequency response
AttachmentsNone  None  
Thanks for the ideas. I've been playing with sage all afternoon and
it's great. I'd heard about it, but had not dared install it...
But on the topic of iir filter coeficients, I haven't been able to
find how... with scipy.signal, there are two functions for creating
filters: iirfiter and iirdesign, but they are not designed for
arbitrary filter responses, since they model classic bp, hp, lp and br
filters. I've found remez, but it's for fir filters.
Am I missing something?


I don't think you're missing anything--I'm not sure how to do what you
want in Sage.  SciLab might be easier.   ( http://www.scilab.org  )

There are several other options:

Octave can run matlab scripts, (if you have a matlab scipt for this)
and can be found here:   http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/

The other possibility is an on-line calculator I found here:

Online tool for IIR Filter and FIR Filter Design
(only for Windows platform)

As it only runs Windows, I wasn't able to test it, but it looks like it
would answer up to your requirements.

All the Best, 