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[Cs-dev] Store line number in parsed TREE

Date2014-05-21 04:28
FromAndres Cabrera
Subject[Cs-dev] Store line number in parsed TREE
AttachmentsNone  None  

I'm looking around, but I can't figure out how to add storing the parsed line number in the parsed TREE.

I have found the linenum member of the TEXT struct, but that seems to be unused. It seems that the parser should store the line number in the TREE struct line variable, but the values the parser puts here make no sense. I suspect there is something that needs to be fixed in csound_orc.y so that make_leaf() gets passed the correct line.

This is as far as I can get without learning yacc... Anyone have any ideas?


Date2014-05-21 06:24
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] Store line number in parsed TREE