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[CSOUND-DEV:4476] Sourceforge

Date2004-04-13 09:51
FromOliver Sampson
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:4476] Sourceforge
I was just wondering when some of the more standard Open Source
development techniques were going to find their way into the CSound
community.  For example, I was looking for a list of the things that
need to be accomplished for the Csound5 release, but I found nothing.
I found an email from June, but that's not really helpful for someone
he doesn't have the CSound-Dev archive, and a more recent email called
REVIEW.  Bugs and features can be tracked right from the
sourceforge.net home page.

Additionally, where're the diffs?  Part of the community coding
technique is that someone sends (usually to a dedicated list) the
diffs of what code would be submitted.  Then multiple people could
apply those diffs to their local code base and test it.  It seems now,
that code changes go directly to John Fitch without review from the
larger community.  Is that just my perception, or is that the way it

Oliver Sampson                  Buy my CDs!
olsam@quickaudio.com            http://www.cdbaby.com/woodlawn
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