On Wednesday 10 May 2006 23:09, Victor Lazzarini wrote: > It does seem to, at least it instantiates and > I can use the Compile() and Perform() methods. > Perhaps it is a particular method that is causing > the problem. Here is the code (at least the version I have, do not know if someone has edited it since Monday) that loads the csnd module. It creates an instance of CppSound, redirects Python messages to be printed to the GUI console window, and gets a CSOUND* pointer from the Python object to be used later for Csound performance. #include "CsoundGUI.hpp" #include "CppSound.hpp" // Declare the parts of the Python API that we actually use // for dynamic binding, without #include . typedef void PyObject_; static void (*Py_Initialize_)(void) = 0; static void (*PySys_SetArgv_)(int, char **) = 0; static PyObject_ *(*PyImport_ImportModule_)(char *) = 0; static void (*PyErr_Print_)(void) = 0; static PyObject_ *(*PyObject_GetAttrString_)(PyObject_ *, char *) = 0; static int (*PyRun_SimpleFileEx_)(FILE *, const char *, int) = 0; static int (*PyRun_SimpleString_)(const char *) = 0; static PyObject_ *(*PyObject_CallMethod_)(PyObject_ *, char *, char *, ...) = 0; static long (*PyLong_AsLong_)(PyObject_ *) = 0; /** * Run the named file as a Python script. */ int runScriptFile(const char *filename) { FILE *fp = std::fopen(filename, "rt"); int result = PyRun_SimpleFileEx_(fp, filename, 1); return result; } /** * Run the string as a Python script. */ int runScript(const char *script) { int result = PyRun_SimpleString_(script); return result; } static void pythonWarning(CSOUND *csound, const char *msg) { csoundMessageS(csound, CSOUNDMSG_WARNING, "%s\n", msg); } /** * Load the Python library, * Initialize Python, * load csnd, * make the GUI console act as sys.stdout and sys.stderr, * obtain CppSound, * and replace the existing csound * with the one from CppSound. */ bool enablePython(void *pythonLibrary, CSOUND **csound_) { CSOUND *csound = *csound_; Py_Initialize_ = (void (*)(void)) csoundGetLibrarySymbol(pythonLibrary, "Py_Initialize"); if (!Py_Initialize_) { pythonWarning(csound, "Failed to find 'Py_Initialize' function. " "Python scripting is not enabled."); return false; } PySys_SetArgv_ = (void (*)(int, char **)) csoundGetLibrarySymbol(pythonLibrary, "PySys_SetArgv"); if (!PySys_SetArgv_) { pythonWarning(csound, "Failed to find 'PySys_Argv' function. " "Python scripting is not enabled."); return false; } PyImport_ImportModule_ = (PyObject_* (*)(char *)) csoundGetLibrarySymbol(pythonLibrary, "PyImport_ImportModule"); if (!PyImport_ImportModule_) { pythonWarning(csound, "Failed to find 'PyImport_ImportModule' function. " "Python scripting is not enabled."); return false; } PyRun_SimpleFileEx_ = (int (*)(FILE *, const char *, int)) csoundGetLibrarySymbol(pythonLibrary, "PyRun_SimpleFileEx"); if (!PyRun_SimpleFileEx_) { pythonWarning(csound, "Failed to find 'PyRun_SimpleFileEx' function. " "Python scripting is not enabled."); return false; } PyRun_SimpleString_ = (int (*)(const char *)) csoundGetLibrarySymbol(pythonLibrary, "PyRun_SimpleString"); if (!PyRun_SimpleString_) { pythonWarning(csound, "Failed to find 'PyRun_SimpleString' function. " "Python scripting is not enabled."); return false; } PyErr_Print_ = (void (*)(void)) csoundGetLibrarySymbol(pythonLibrary, "PyErr_Print"); if (!PyErr_Print_) { pythonWarning(csound, "Failed to find 'PyErr_Print' function. " "Python scripting is not enabled."); return false; } PyObject_GetAttrString_ = (PyObject_ *(*)(PyObject_ *, char *)) csoundGetLibrarySymbol(pythonLibrary, "PyObject_GetAttrString"); if (!PyObject_GetAttrString_) { pythonWarning(csound, "Failed to find 'PyObject_GetAttrString' function. " "Python scripting is not enabled."); return false; } PyObject_CallMethod_ = (PyObject_ * (*)(PyObject_ *, char *, char *, ...)) csoundGetLibrarySymbol(pythonLibrary, "PyObject_CallMethod"); if (!PyObject_CallMethod_) { pythonWarning(csound, "Failed to find 'PyObject_CallMethod' function. " "Python scripting is not enabled."); return false; } PyLong_AsLong_ = (long (*)(PyObject_ *)) csoundGetLibrarySymbol(pythonLibrary, "PyLong_AsLong"); if (!PyLong_AsLong_) { pythonWarning(csound, "Failed to find 'PyLong_AsLong' function. " "Python scripting is not enabled."); return false; } Py_Initialize_(); char *argv[] = { "", "" }; PySys_SetArgv_(1, argv); PyObject_ *mainModule = PyImport_ImportModule_("__main__"); int result = runScript("import sys\n"); if (result) { PyErr_Print_(); return false; } result = runScript("import csnd\n"); if (result) { PyErr_Print_(); return false; } result = runScript("csound = csnd.CppSound()\n"); if (result) { PyErr_Print_(); return false; } PyObject_ *pyCsound = PyObject_GetAttrString_(mainModule, "csound"); // No doubt SWIG or the Python API could do this directly, // but damned if I could figure out how, and this works. result = runScript("sys.stdout = sys.stderr = csound\n"); if (result) { PyErr_Print_(); return false; } PyObject_ *pyCppSound = PyObject_CallMethod_(pyCsound, "getThis", ""); CppSound *cppSound = (CppSound *) PyLong_AsLong_(pyCppSound); if (!cppSound) { pythonWarning(csound, "Python failed to find the 'csnd' extension module...\n" "please check your PYTHONPATH environment variable."); return false; } else { csoundDestroy(csound); csound = cppSound->getCsound(); csoundSetHostData(csound, csoundGetHostData(*csound_)); csoundSetMessageCallback(csound, &CsoundGUIConsole::messageCallback_Thread); } csoundMessage(csound, "Python scripting has been enabled.\n"); *csound_ = csound; return true; } ------------------------------------------------------- Using Tomcat but need to do more? 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