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[Csnd] Multieffect made in Csound for Android

Date2019-11-04 09:57
Subject[Csnd] Multieffect made in Csound for Android

Dear All,

I've just completed (it's not pretty but seems to work as I expected) a multieffect in Csound for Android, it's available here https://github.com/triceratupuz/matrix-processor

Uses the <CsHtml5> tag for the GUI (html and javascript plus web midi api to read incoming midi messages).

For some reasons (unknown) to me better latency is acheived with Csound for Android version 6.10. with SLES driver on a Samsung Galaxy tablet.

Feel free to try, steal and modify it.

I'd like to thank Mr. McCurdy and Mr. Brandtsegg since I've stolen some effects code from them.

