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[Csnd] New piece for dancer

Date2021-12-04 16:06
FromAndreas Bergsland
Subject[Csnd] New piece for dancer


I just made a new piece together with a dancer, Seh Yun Kim, that I thought I’d share, if someone is interested. The 4/5  sections are thought to be a part of a larger piece I hope to finish on in the spring.


Except from the fixed intro the first 1 ½ minutes, the rest is made with csound running as a Cabbage plugin in Reaper. It was presented in 4th order ambisonics over a 23 speaker setup at the ZhdK in Zürich. (I did not use csound for spatialization, though)

A lot of it is playback/treatment of voice and metal samples, and some sounds (birds/animal/wind/fire) are synthesized. The sound was captured by a Zylia mike in the sweet spot of the room, but I don’t think it captured the spatial aspects of the composition very well, unfortunately. Also, the gain was set too high, which resulted in having to substitute the Zylia file with camera sounds in some spots.

Apart from that, I think it documents the piece well.

Comments welcome!

Best, Andreas



Andreas Bergsland


Associate professor - førsteamanuensis

Music Technology Programme – Musikkteknologi

Department of Music - Institutt for musikk


NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

7491 Trondheim, NORWAY


e-mail: andreas.bergsland@ntnu.no

Office phone (Skype for business):+47 7359 0096

Mobil: +47 4566 3316

Zoom: https://NTNU.zoom.us/my/andreas.bergsland

Web: http://folk.ntnu.no/andbe

VIBRA-project: https://www.vibra.no/