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[Csnd] wterrain2 opcode seems to be missing

Date2020-10-18 20:05
From"Dr. Richard Boulanger"
Subject[Csnd] wterrain2 opcode seems to be missing
Could you please try to run the wterrain2 csds from the manual.
(The manpage looks awesome, but I think that the opcode is missing.)

On my Mojave MacBook, running Csound 6.15 from CsoundQt - the opcode does not seem to be there.

On the same MacBook, running a HomeBrew of the latest developer build 
( $brew install --HEAD csound - followed by $brew reinstall csound )
the manual .csds also seem to be missing the opcode.

John ffitch has reported to me that they seem to be there in his (maybe linux?) build of the latest.

I would love to use them (on the Mac and on the Bela)

PS - Building the latest developer version of Csound on the Mac has never been easier
- launch the Terminal
- install Homebrew
- brew install --HEAD csound
- brew reinstall csound
- run your .csd files from the Terminal

and... if you would like to run "this" latest from CsoundQt 
- in the environment set 

Csound Executable /usr/local/Cellar/csound/HEAD*/bin/csound

and select the Run in Terminal (tab or shortcut or from the Control menu)


Dr. Richard Boulanger

Professor of Electronic Production and Design

Berklee College of Music

Professional Writing and Technology Division

skype: radiobaton 

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/richard.boulanger.58

about: http://www.boulangerlabs.com/#about

about: http://www.csounds.com/community/developers/dr-richard-boulanger/

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Boulanger Labs - http://boulangerlabs.com

The Csound Book http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/csound-book

The Audio Programming Book - http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/audio-programming-book

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