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Re: [Csnd] [EXTERNAL] [Csnd] Csound logo

Date2024-03-30 13:59
FromMenno Knevel
SubjectRe: [Csnd] [EXTERNAL] [Csnd] Csound logo
yes, the C is in italics, but this does prevent the idea that a regular C would be a Packman lookalike, trying to eat the sound wave?
If the present logo needs to get redesigned, to do this now before the Csound 7 release would be best.

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Date2024-03-30 14:05
From"Dr. Richard Boulanger"
SubjectRe: [Csnd] [EXTERNAL] [Csnd] Csound logo
Not sure about that association, there are just so many more clean, elegant and beautiful C ... or even the C from the C (common) time 
Dr. Richard Boulanger
Electronic Production and Design
Berklee College of Music

> On Mar 30, 2024, at 10:00 AM, Menno Knevel  wrote:
> yes, the C is in italics, but this does prevent the idea that a regular C would be a Packman lookalike, trying to eat the sound wave?
> If the present logo needs to get redesigned, to do this now before the Csound 7 release would be best.
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Date2024-03-30 14:12
FromSUBSCRIBE CSOUND Anonymous <00000c641a512f08-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>
SubjectRe: [Csnd] [EXTERNAL] [Csnd] Csound logo
I totally agree with Dr. Boulanger.
I really like something like the common time in here. Maybe it could be simply thinner, but keeping the idea of the circle where it comes from:


On 30 Mar 2024, at 15:05, Dr. Richard Boulanger <rboulanger@BERKLEE.EDU> wrote:

Not sure about that association, there are just so many more clean, elegant and beautiful C ... or even the C from the C (common) time
Dr. Richard Boulanger
Electronic Production and Design
Berklee College of Music

On Mar 30, 2024, at 10:00 AM, Menno Knevel <magknevel@gmail.com> wrote:

yes, the C is in italics, but this does prevent the idea that a regular C would be a Packman lookalike, trying to eat the sound wave?
If the present logo needs to get redesigned, to do this now before the Csound 7 release would be best.

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