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Re: [Csnd] [WIP] road to sobriety

Date2024-02-04 21:09
FromLucas Ceccon Martinelli <00000fa7b5cfaa13-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>
SubjectRe: [Csnd] [WIP] road to sobriety
well, the road to sobriety is complete! (i guess); 1 week without coffee amidst a food infection ^·^

i wouldn't call it a song, at least it would require a revision, but it pricks me by 2 things, 0° is breaking my moral rule of only trying to compose a song only after finishing the Open Theory Book (in my own way), 1° the score blocks are too distant, idea wise, from each other... and i blame my choice of creating scores of ~ 8 seconds (which so far i think my acceptable threshold is 5 seconds max.); after a while, i just tried to match the very first note played with the last one (of the previous score) and shut it down with an X after M. that rendered a new feel every score but it doesn't work much if it repeat a change often, i think ¶ now i'll try to go back into my creation/study and stash this one for a later time, if ever

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