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Re: csound in OSX...

Date2004-01-30 20:37
From"Simone Ghetti"
SubjectRe: csound in OSX...

Thanks so much...that is exactly what I needed...  I did find a few 
tutorials on using the terminal.app in osX...  one tutorial recommended 
changing the default shell from tcsh to bash... is this necessary?  just 
curious to know if it affects working with csound at all...

again thank you...

>From: steven yi 
>Reply-To: csoundtekno-N4abDuUB7xo@public.gmane.org
>To: csoundtekno-N4abDuUB7xo@public.gmane.org
>Subject: Re: [CsndTek] csound in OSX...
>Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:07:50 -0800
>Hi Simone,
>In that case, here's some background information for using on the 
>commandline (sorry if some of this is too simple but I'll write to assume 
>no knowledge in case others are interested)

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