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Re: NYC, was new pfeiria mix available for download

Date2003-09-05 04:19
Fromgerald wenzel
SubjectRe: NYC, was new pfeiria mix available for download
Iain Duncan wrote:

> Hey Gerald, out of curiousity, how are you finding the computer music scene
> in NYC? Is there much in the way of computer PA ( as my techno head friend
> calls laptop shows. ; P ) happening out there?

There are a lot of computer PAs that take place.  Heck, I've even had 
the opportunity to sit in a theater and listen to a live performance by 
James Dashow.  Regarding more techno-ish type music, there are a lot of 
shows because a lot of artists who are touring north america will play 
in nyc.  Unfortunately, I haven't found any locals making computer music 
I like.  I've heard some good techno from artists using analogue and 
midi gear, but nothing inspiring from an artist behind a laptop.  If any 
of you on this list are based in nyc and you want to post some links to 
your music, I'd love to check it out.  Also, if anyone has any 
suggestions regarding computer music artists based in nyc, please share.

> By the way, I saw Sutekh and Safety Scissors from San Fran here a month or
> so ago. Sutekh was really good, and I don't even normally like really
> glitchy house. I think he hit a great balance of glitchy grooves and noises
> grounded by solid old school techno bass lines and lower end foundations.
> Gotta say, the dancers sure liked it when he'd drop in a bit of the detroit
> sound on the low end. ; )

Yeah, sutekh makes really great music.  I've only heard his live album 
so I don't know what the rest of his stuff is like.  The live album 
sounds like digital four on floor house/techno.  I like his live album 
because all of the sound objects he uses sound digital and rendered and 
the trax hit hard.  To put it another way, on his live album it doesn't 
sound like he's using any samples or trying to emulate any instruments.  
It just sounds like a bunch max patches making digital techno.  I think 
he achives a cool aesthetic using rendered sounds to make funky 4 on 
floor trax that make you want to dance.

gerald wenzel
@pplication specific - music is necessary

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