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MakeScore details

Date2005-02-21 20:17
SubjectMakeScore details
Hey folks, I announced the alpha release in a cross posting last night, but I
should further mention on here that MakeScore is especially designed for techno.
I have put in tools for easily offsetting entire scores by tiny amounts and
shuffling the sixteens without having to edit csound beats, a big plus. For
example, if you have a one instrument score file you can expand 8 bars of it,
repeat that 4 times, with the beat pushed by 0.01 csound beats and the
sixteenths swung ( 66% start, 62% duration ) by putting the following line in
the arrange file:

;start  end    file      control flags
1-1    9-1     bass.sco   -i1  -o -0.01  -q66%62%16   -r4

It also enables the use of step sequenced style files that you can edit easily
in a spreadsheet, as well as more readable times like 2:1-1, and more readable
pitch formats like C#4, Bb3, etc, which can be converted either to csound octal
( 8.01, etc ) or midi note number.

I would love to improve this as much as I can for making track production as
fast and elegant as possible, so please check it out and let me know what you think.



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