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[announce] blue 0.93.1

Date2003-12-20 10:15
Subject[announce] blue 0.93.1
Hi all,

I've put up a new version of blue at:


This release fixes up some bugs I discovered in the presentations as
well as some while trying fix those up.  =o  The debugger was great help
this past week.  

For those who were at the presentations, I've added in a couple more
options for importing CSD files.  You can now pick from "Import Score to
Global Score" which is what was blue's only possibility before, "Import
All Score to Single SoundObject" which imports all of the score coming
in as a single GenericScore object per section, and "Import Score and
Split into SoundObjects by Instrument Number" which will create
GenericScore soundObjects per Instrument Number and per section.  Blue
now handles the s-statement in scores so sections will import
correctly.  For those interested in importing CSD files, please give it
a whirl with Dr. Boulanger's "Trapped in Convert" using all three
options to see how they differ (this was the test file I used when
putting these features in).  t-statements as well as other score
statements are still not supported.  If other score-statements are
requested I'll try my best to put them in.  

I've also been updating the built-in documentation to include the new
options for Importing from CSD, as well as added the commandline's to
use with the External SoundObject for using CMask and nGen (located in
the users manual, under Reference->External SoundObject).  

For those interested, my current plans are to slow down development on
new features for a month or so to spend more time documenting and
refactoring code/building unit tests to clean it up from all the recent
developments.  Documentation work will also include building example
work files as well trying to incorporate them into a general "New Users
Tutorial".  Any bug fixes and small requests will also be paid attention
to, so any feedback is appreciated.  This is more of a time for me to
regroup, evaluate some possbilities (MIDI, time pointer, etc.), and try
to work out what to develop next.  (As well as time to write music!)


Thanks everyone for the feedback, support, and well wishes, and happy
holidays and best wishes to everyone!



>Notes for 0.93.1<
[released 2003.12.20]

    [updated] - Import CSD now has multiple options for how to handle 
            i-statements from CsScore, as well as will respect "s"
            statement when importing
    [updated] - Documentation
            -extra notes on usage of timeWarpProcessor
            -extra note on noteProcessor main page regarding order of 
            -new documentation on Import from CSD
            -reorganized organization of documentation for User's
            -added commandlines to use with External SoundObject for use
                CMask and nGen
    [fix] - bug with BlueSystem initialization did not correctly load
            language files; now loads correctly
    [fix] - clicking on timeline caused unneccessary function calls to 
            getObjectiveDuration() on buffered soundObject which could
            noticable slowdown when working with a buffered soundObject
that is 
            heavy in script
    [fix] - calling polyObject.normalizeSoundObjects() had unnecessary
call to 
            getObjectiveDuration() which would cause all soundObjects to
            generate their scores and cause a noticable slowdown
(occurred when
            pasting a polyObject after copying a group of soundObjects)
    [fix] - For soundObject freezing, on OSX, will use .aif files
instead of
    [fix] - copying soundObjects did not always maintain time behavior

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