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Two questions for the experts

Date2004-03-08 18:13
SubjectTwo questions for the experts
>If they 
>are linux machines I think it *should* ( corrections? ) be >possible to get 
>them controlling each other with score events via pipes thus >bypassing midi. 
>How one would do this over a network protocal instead of midi, I >don't know, 
>but I'd sure like hear any stories. 

I've tried a few things with netcat (from CPAN) and TCP/IP, back when i had a working hub. Some success, but i got bored and my hub & HDD stopped working before i developed it. Netcat is pretty low-level, but since we're just dumping packets full of plain ASCII characters it's simple enough.

You could also try SLIP or PLIP if you're just linking two machines together, although maybe some modern craziness like USB might be better. I found i was better off just keeping it all on a fast machine (don't like MIDI). 

I imagine that this would be an ungodly nightmare on windows.

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