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[Csnd-dev] ANNOUNCEMENT: Second beta release of new version of VST3 opcodes for Csound

Date2023-12-17 01:43
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[Csnd-dev] ANNOUNCEMENT: Second beta release of new version of VST3 opcodes for Csound
These plugin opcodes for Csound enable Csound to host standard VST3 plugins, both instruments and effects.

Binary releases for macOS, Windows, and Linux are available here: https://github.com/gogins/csound-vst3-opcodes/releases.

Please report any bugs or make any suggestions here: https://github.com/gogins/csound-vst3-opcodes/issues.

Changes in this release:

On macOS, the vst3-opcodes shared library is now built as a universal binary
(including both x86-64 CPU architecture and arm64 CPU architecture).

The handling of fractional pitches (i.e. fractional MIDI key numbers) in this
project has been corrected and simplified.

Program changes are now working, at least for the sample plugins in the VST3

There was a bug in that the VST3 plugin busses were not being properly
activated, causing some VST3 plugins not to process audio. This has been fixed.

The sample VST3 plugins built by the VST3 SDK are now included in releases.

The directory structure of this project has been simplified.

The build system has been corrected and simplified.


Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com